✏️Writing the most fundamental skill everyone should learn

🔟 Tips to make you a better writer

🪠I sucked at writing (in school)

(YOU still suck loser).

Say ‘F’ to those background voices.

Now I write for living.

Here’s how I improved (and top resources to write better)🧵

1/n Write, edit, refine

Write lousy first drafts.

Let your ideas flow.

Edit for readability and brevity.

Refine for simplicity.

2/n Hemmingway app

Use Hemingway app.

And aim for writing below grade 5.

This app makes the flow better.

And improves readability.

No one got time to read long boring essays.

Straight get to the point.

3/n Write to express not to impress

Clarity of thought matters.

Not the choice of complex words or sentence structures.

4/n ⏰Routine


Get the reps in.

Practice daily.

Create a routine to hold you accountable.

And make writing a habit.

5/n 💃Enjoy the process

Don’t think of it as boring or hard.

Writing would structure your thinking.

And how to communicate your idea.

Learn to enjoy the process.

6/n Read good writing

Reading and writing goes hand in hand.

Learn from the legends.

Observe how they structure their stories.

How they inject emotions.

And create your idea bank (aka swipe file) of phrases, sentences, or paragraphs.

7/n Be frequent walker

Walking is such a hack for writers.

You’d start getting streams of ideas.

Every successful writer walks a lot.

William Wordsworth (a respectable poet) used to frame his writing in mind while walking.

And upon reaching home used to jot it down.

8/n 🔪Dissect writing you like

Take a few blogs, books, or writings that you like.

Print ‘em out

Get your highlighters out.

Strike out the things you liked.

Things that evoked emotions.

Things that appalled your m̶o̶n̶k̶e̶y̶ brain.

Examine why you liked those things.

9/n 👀 copywork

Grab a pen & paper.

Hand copy the writings you admire the most.

And create short notes for each paragraph.

This exercise would help you hone writing structures.

Identify patterns.

Becoming better at writing.

10/n Ben Franklin Exercise

Remember the copy work from the previous step?

After hand copying, come back the next day.

Based on your notes.

Try to re-write the original writing.

Upon completion, match your re-write with the original writing.

That’s how Benjamin Franklin train himself.

Follow these 10 tips to improve your writing


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