[ULTIMATE GUIDE]: How to sell your courses and coaching programs

Learn how to build DIGITAL assets, hence a successful business that generates consistent income on a daily basis.

[ULTIMATE GUIDE]: How to sell your courses and coaching programs WITHOUT spending hours sending spammy Dms, or being a slave to the algorithm. Learn how to build DIGITAL assets, hence a successful business that generates consistent income on a daily basis.


Really thanks for reading this article on how to sell your courses and coaching programs…

This topic is close to my heart.

Because everyday I see a coach, course creator, and info product owner struggling to generate a consistent income.

And it really makes my blood boil.

Not because I’m really into THIS space, or I’ve a service to sell.

But I’m literally shattered to see them struggling, even after heading them in the right direction.

There’s a plethora of information out on the internet.

But still, these digital business owners resorts to the old strategies which don’t generate consistent income for ‘em.

A couple of days ago, I sent a cold email to a digital business owner, giving away all the secrets that I’m going to show you in this article.

And here’s what their (TYPICAL) response is…

“Hmm…that sounds really interesting, but atm I’d stick to sending those spammy dms😅😅 I wanna grow but the only method is to stick to sending those trash dms”

(Redacted a few details)

Most of the times their response is something along those lines.

But you seem to be a sensible person, with sound cognitive reasoning ability.

Otherwise, you’d have slammed your laptop saying…

“Ah, another disgruntled marketer, beching about methods that work. And trying to sell his sleazy services.”

But you’re here.

That means you’re not like others who don’t wanna face the truth, or wanna put in efforts to grow their business.

A fair warning, before you take a trip to the clouds.

Assuming I’m gonna share something MAGICAL, or a silver bullet that would exponentially increase your business.

I’m kinda a guy who loves sticking to the basics.

The goal of this article is to brush up on the fundamentals and how to tweak those in your favor.

3 Fundamental Levers of any digital business.

Any digital business depends on the 3 high ROI levers.

And this article would teach you how to leverage these 3 fundamental pillars to SCALE your business and generate consistent income.

#Lever-1: Generating Leads

Without leads, you don’t have a business.

It’s a hobby that you’re pursuing.

You need a systematic approach to capture the attention of your target audience.

And make them familiar with your space (or business).

People often use two methods to generate leads.

Organic and paid media.

Each of those have their own pros and cons.

But I’d suggest if you want to build a thriving business, you need to incorporate both these strategies in place.

And let me just teach you how to effectively put these strategies to work.

For both the strategies, you need a bait (which in online space is often called a lead magnet).

And I’m not talking about those TRASH ebooks who no one gives a shit about.

Cook up some valuable lead magnet that generates a quick win for your leads.

The lead magnet should provide immense value.

I’d say it should provide at least 1000X value than its actual worth.

I’ve seen a couple of lead magnets that have worked well for my clients are…

Drip email course (but a pointer don’t make a long course. I’d suggest you to keep it less than or equal to 7 days).


A challenge lead magnet works really well.

A video course or,…try thinking of some outside the box solution.

But no matter which lead magnet you choose.

Make it a point.

To provide 1000X value than its actual worth and your lead magnet should help prospects generate a quick win.

For example, most of the courses and coaches are trying to solve a problem.

And are trying to help their prospects go from A to Z (A being the initial state and Z being the desired state).

So, your lead magnet should help its consumers maybe, go from A to B or from A to C.

But the point being it should exceed its actual worth by 1000X and should help leads reach a step closer to their desired outcome.

Now, you’ve helped them to get to the next stage.

It’s the best time to introduce you to the second growth lever.

#Lever-2: How to turn leads into paying customers

Given, if you’ve nailed the first step.

And have provided a lot of value to the leads. Also, helped them generate a quick win.

They’d have developed a slight trust and confidence in your methods.

But if you’ve failed to nail the first step.

I’d suggest that you BETTER work on optimizing your lead magnet and acquisition channel.

And once, you’ve gained the trust of the users.

You can move on to the next step that is converting leads in to paying customers.

In this phase, you have to foster the newly made connection.

They trust you.

But are unsure if you’ll be able to take them from their initial state to their desired outcome.

And you really need to nurture this relationship.

Sound like a lot of work?

Trust me!

It's just a onetime effort that you have to put, but you’ll be reaping its benefits for years.

On top of that, you can truly automatize the entire process.

I’ve worked with several clients.

And at this stage, email marketing works like charm in nurturing a personalized relationship with everyone on the list.

Also, building an email list is a digital asset which nobody could take away from you.

But if you solely rely on social media channels to acquire leads and nurturing relationship.

You’re just at the mercy of the platform.

They have the POWER to ban you for no reason.

But your email list is an asset which nobody can steal from you.

Anyway, coming back to the point.

How to convert leads into paying customers (on autopilot).

Have an email marketing system at place.

Here’s how you can build an automated email marketing system to nurture the relationship with the audience…

1) Send emails for straight 90 days.

In these 90 days, you’ll tell stories, mistakes that you committed, and share your knowledge.

But make it a point to stop sending daily emails after every 3 weeks and send a 3-5 days promotional sequence.

You might argue that sending daily emails won’t burn the list?

I’d say no, if you just don’t come out as a di*khead, spamming your offer in every other email.

Try providing value in your emails and think of them like your family member.

2) Send a weekly newsletter providing value.

3) Have a great post purchase sequence for your email list.

The main purpose of this sequence is to provide maximum value and to make them comfortable about their buying decision.

4) Send a monthly promo email softly selling your offers.

If you want a complete breakdown of this, email marketing system.

I’ve written an in-depth article on it.

Once you have nurtured a relationship with the leads and have got a few sales.

It’s time to SCALE your business…

#Lever-3: Fulfillment

If you’ve nailed the other two steps.

Now, you’d have a stream of customers coming in consistently daily.

But the story doesn’t end here.

Your business would take off or would crash on the ground greatly depends on this step.

The quality of your course and coaching program should be top-notch.

And if you’re not able to deliver on the claims.

Your customers won’t hang with you for long.

And even would say bad things in forums, groups, or anywhere on the internet about your business.

This would create a bad rep of you and your business.

And would tarnish the image of your business.

So, you better up the quality of your product.

If you want a consistent stream of HAPPY customers coming in.

Follow this mantra: over-deliver and under promise.

But in reality, most of the businesses these days are doing quite the opposite.

Trust me.

If you really have top-quality product, you won’t even need to actively work on generating leads.

As it’d spread like a wildfire through word-of-mouth referrals.

Lastly, I’d say build a system to collect PROOF ELEMENTS.

Like testimonials, reviews, and case studies.

And you can easily build this system.

If you’ve really helped your customers reach their desired outcome.

They’d be more than happy to share their feelings with the rest of the world.

You just need to ask them for a referral, testimonial, or a case study.

And if you’re wondering, how to ask for testimonials or a referral.

It shares in length the systems I’ve built for my clients to automatically ask for a referral or a testimonial.

Repeat, refine, and tweak the above cycles to get past the 8-figure mark.

With this advice, I’d like to conclude the whole article by saying, now it’s up to you to change your current methods of operating your business and take it to the next level by focusing on the three levers discussed in this article.


You can just continue (sitting over the above advice and) sending tons of Dms in hope of getting a sale.

It’s your biz, it’s totally your decision. I don’t have any say in your matters.

I just can tell you about what I’ve experienced or learned working with different businesses.


Have a great day!

P.S. Let me know if you’ve got any questions, doubts, or queries regarding whatever I’ve shared with you.



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