Writers: Nail your client’s voice and tone in the next 5 minutes

3 elements to focus to emulate your client’s voice.

“Ugh…that’s not like how I’d write!”

Sounds familiar?

I could never nail brand’s voice in the first go.

After scouring the internet.

I found a few tips that helped me to understand a brand’s voice or develop a brand’s voice to align with the target audience’s needs.

And these are not just the tips to get your client’s voice.

But can help you develop your voice that talks to your target audience.

Do you know why we face difficulty nailing brand’s voice?

We have developed our own (unique) style.

And while doing a project with a client, this distinct style of ours kicks in.

Best advice: forget it!


Don’t let your style dominate when you write for a brand.

With this note, let me share 3 elements to help you emulate a brand’s voice (WITHOUT losing yours permanently):

1. Words — Language & Lexicon

The way your client speaks.

Do they use slangs or idioms?

What vocabulary, specific words, phrases they use.

2. Tone — how they say

The way your clients say things: sarcasm, vitriol, snarky, happy, funny, or nerdy.

Tone is simply how a person conveys emotions.

Emphasize on how a brand/client describes emotions.

3. Frequency — rhythm of writing

Do they write long paragraphs or short/choppy ones?

The punctuations they use.

(If they are a fan of oxford commas. WINK. WINK)

Emphasize on how they structure their writing.

Bonus Point:

Soak up the brand’s content.

Read all the blogs, social media posts, and interviews.

And make note of the 3 key elements.

Also make sure to use verbatim voice tool to side by side compare your writing with your client’s.

This tool would suggest ways to emulate your clients style.

Use these strategies to NEVER miss a client’s style.


Have a great day!

P.S. Join me in the comments if you’ve got some more tips on the topic.

P.P.S. Credit of 3 elements theory goes to Justin Blackman.


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