(⊙_◎) Marketing is not psychology👈(⌒▽⌒)👉

Learn how to think.

Harsh truth about marketing

Marketing is not:

- cognitive biases

- psychology

- fomo

- scarcity

- clever hacks

Even I used to believe this.

Have written dozens of articles explaining these.

But with time and experience.

I’ve realized marketing is about being yourself.

Marketing is about investing in people and caring for ‘em.

Just be yourself.

Don’t pretend to emulate other brands.

Or influencers.

We live in a noisy world.

Thousands of NEW brands pop up every day.

Using the same marketing tactics.

Being clever, using clever hacks to get the user to buy.

And your brand’s message blends with the background.

No one notices it.

Cause either they’ve too burned out by seeing those same tactics being thrown at them left and right or it sounds too similar to some other brand.

Although, those tactics may have worked in the past.

But not anymore.

That’s understandable.

Tactics are like trends.

Have a short life.

If you miss it. It’s not gonna work.

But if you learn how to think.

You can ride both the gigantic waves and the low tides.

Here are 5 tips to think like a marketer:

1. Being yourself

Don’t be someone.

Attract your fans by being yourself.

And repel those who don’t get you.

Stop casting your net wide.

Cause you can’t be everyone’s favorite.

2. Investment

Invest your time in understanding people.

No, I’m not talking about:

• demographics

• psychographics

Those are buzzwords.

Harvard grads Creation to rip VCs pockets off.

Simply invest your time in understanding:

• problem people have

• what do they need

And tailor your message around that.

3. Caring

Genuinely caring for your customers.

It ain’t a one off sale.

If you genuinely care for them.

They can be your biggest marketing assets.

Talking about your brand in their circle.

7/10 I’d have purchased something cause it’s either suggested by my friends or family members.

Borrowed trust.

4. Honesty

The ONLY thing you need.

To stand out in the crowd.

In the world of lies.

Be there sword of truth.

I got carried away.

(A lil secret: been reading poetry & *blushing* romantic novels lately)

5. Speak their language

How millennials find it difficult to communicate with gen-z.

It feels like they have their own language.

Yo, wassup fam!

Kinda feels warm and casual.

Now imagine you talk to them like hi {name}!!!

Altho, nothing bad.

But they won’t connect with you on a deeper level.

Same is with every market and industry.

You gotta learn their language.

And communicate back with their style and lingo.



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