🧟Cold Emails Are Dead😱

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Cold Email/Outreach changed my life

Show this 🖕to anyone WHO says…

“Cold Email/Outreach is dead”

But partly, I agree with them.

Sending mass bulk emails with zero or minimal personalization doesn’t work anymore.

Cold emails can be life changing (if done the right way).

I’ve used cold emails to…

✅Land Clients

✅Land Jobs

✅Business partnership (that brutally fall off the cliff, story for another day)

Once you learn this skill, it has immense potential

But first understand the difference:

Old way

  • bulk send emails

  • generic templates

  • me-focused

  • volume>>>quality

my way

  • highly targeted

  • personalized

  • solution focused

  • quality>>>volume

Let’s understand in-depth about the new way to succeed:

1) highly targeted

Clearly define your ICP.

Here’s a simple framework to define your ICP.

Answer these questions:

- who you’re targeting

- why you’re targeting

- how you can solve problem

Understanding the prospect is half the battle.

Everyone is not your target.

Ditch the shotgun spray and pray approach.

And follow the laser focused sniper approach.

2) personalized

It doesn’t need to be time consuming.

You need a process.

5X5X5 (credit: Kyle Coleman)

Here’s the simple definition:

Take 5 minutes to find 5 facts to write an email in 5 minutes.

Facts could be related to something that ties it to a challenge or status quo.

3) solution focused

Your cold email should talk about them.

And how you could help solve the problem.

It shouldn’t sound like an exaggerated monologue of your achievements.

Focus on building relationship.

As a rule of thumb, me content should take at most 15% of the body copy.

4) volume

You don’t have to send 1000s of emails a day.

But aim for 10-30 personalized emails a day.

Focus on quality over volume.


The perfect recipe for a cold email/message

• highly targeted

• personalized (5X5X5)

• solution focused

• focus on quality over volume

Follow these STEPS for writing a banger cold email campaign.


Have a great day!

PS Btw do you feel difficulty in writing cold emails?

Lmk, we can hop on a call and can solve your problem.


Reply to this email if you’ve any doubts, questions, or any confusion. I’d love to answer your queries.


or to participate.