How I boosted THIS brand’s revenue by £25,000 in 33 days

Email Marketing Case Study

How I boosted THIS brand’s revenue by £25,000 in 33 days

Simple answer is:

✅Email Marketing.

Use these 6 advanced tips to increase your brand’s monthly revenue by 30+%.


1️⃣Pop-ups & Opt-in

Most brands aren’t leveraging a simple way to GROW their email lists.

By capturing contact details of site visitors.

Install Pop-Ups & Opt-in pages on site.

Say No-to Generic 10% off offer.

Offer something valuable.

2️⃣Welcome Sequence

This is as simple as it gets.

Familiarize new leads with your brand.

And instill trust (sole aim of welcome sequence).

Write a series of different 5-7 emails.

Answering questions like.

Who you are.

How you can help them?

Why they should trust you?

3️⃣Building trust

If you’re NOT engaging with them daily or 3-4 times weekly.

Dump your email list.

Include these things in your daily emails (and they’d never unsubscribe):

- Stories

- Valuable content

- Resources

- Solution

- Occasional selling

Do this and build an army of raving fans.

4️⃣Communicating with different needs


You can create different segments by grouping people based on their specific wants, desires, and needs.

A few segment ideas:

- Demographics

- Behavior based

- Trigger Based

Do this to personalize the experience for every subscriber

5️⃣Email Deliverability

Use compressed images.

Less of spam/promotion triggering words.

Deliverability hacks:

- High engagement rates (like opens)

- Reply (encourage them to reply. Offer an incentive)

- Remove unengaged subscribers (Clean list monthly)

Do this to never hit the spam/promo tab.


Have a great day!




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