🤖AI will replace writers…

✏️📝Even it’s remotely true. I’d still learn writing

It’s been almost a year since ChatGPT launched for the masses.

A couple of days ago it turned 1.

And it took the whole world by a storm.

As its uses cases are revolutionary, and it has the capability of wiping at least 70% of the writers in the next 3 years (as per the claims by the company).

The tool is better than most writers at certain things, like coming up with analogies, examples, and idea generation.

However, I still feel it’s not capable of completely replacing human writers.

And that’s not my ego.


Delusional utopian hope.

AI is capable, but won’t replace human writers ever.

Because AI is like a kid, WHO could just copy the original answers and give it a spin in its own words.

It feeds on human input.

It’s trained on the human input.

Although, it could never replace human writers. But could become a badass assistant who could boost the productivity. It can scour the whole internet and can do research for you. Can help you in generating more ideas. Can help you grasp a topic by simplifying the complexity of a subject.

These are a few use cases of AI tools currently or in the future.

Even If I were to take this possibility of AI replacing human writers.

I’d have still learned this meta skill.

Here’s why:

Writing isn’t merely a few words or sentences on a page.

Writing is communication.

Writing is an expression.

Writing is emotions.

Writing is thinking.

On the face of it, writing sounds like a single skill, but in reality, writing is a multidisciplinary skill.

It teaches you:

1. How to think

What’s thinking?

Logical connect b/w different ideas.

And writing works those muscles (greatly).

It teaches you how to think and create a logical flow b/w your ideas.

That’s the basic reason why people have been journaling for centuries.

2. Communication

Writing is communication.

And communication is the main reason for advancement of the human race.

Learning to communicate helps you put your point across persuasively.

3. Emotions

Humans are emotion driven species.

And writing builds empathy.

Powerful writing makes you feel emotions.

Connect with others on a deeper level.

4. Clarity

Writing helps you eliminate brain fog.

It clears up your negative thoughts.

And help gain clarity.

It works your muscles to break down complex ideas into simple (and understandable) form.

5. Creativity

But what’s creativity🤔?

IMO, creativity is bringing your imagination to real form.

And writing helps you with deep thinking.

Generate more ideas, create neural connections.

And bring those ideas to life.

6. Productivity

Imo, productivity is flow state.

A flow state is where you do work you’re obsessed with. When doing this work, you get so in the zone that your perception of time is lost.

And writing puts you in a flow state.

7. Accelerates learning

More you write.

More you’d listen.

More you’d read.

Listening and reading is how humans learn.

And penning down those thoughts accelerates learning.

That’s a wrap.


Writing is a meta skill that teaches you

- Communication

- Emotions

- Clarity

- Thinking

- Creativity

- Productivity

- Accelerates learning


Have a great day!


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