7 (Crucial) Elements of Rainmaking Marketing Campaigns

🥵WITHOUT these your campaign is doomed to fail

Every successful marketing campaign I’ve analyzed had these elements.

I learned these from a multi 8-figure marketer.

Here are 7 most essential elements of a 6/7/8/9-figure marketing campaign:

1. Big Problem

A problem your target has that he or she is dying to solve.

E.g. Which one are you more likely to pop:

Pain killer or vitamin pill (you don’t know if you have any deficiency or not, second guessing).

Ofc, pain killer.

You’ve an excruciating pain.

And want an immediate remedy.

2. Big Idea

It takes a BIG IDEA to attract the attention of consumers - David ogilvy

A big idea plants a seed in the reader’s mind.

A seed they cannot forget.

A big idea is an unforgettable idea that sets you apart from the noisy market.

2.a Features of a Big Idea:

A BIG IDEA is simple

A BIG IDEA is memorable

A BIG IDEA is very easy to understand

A BIG IDEA is timeless

2.b What makes a big idea $$$ worthy (acc to Ogilvy):

1. Did it make you gasp when you first saw it?

2. Do you wish you had thought of it yourself?

3. Is it unique?

4. Does it fit the strategy to perfection?

5. Could it be used for 30 years?

3. Irresistible offer

Don’t fret over this.

Just solve the big problem in the niche.

And follow this rule of thumb:

Value = 10 X Price

The perceived value of your solution should at least be 10 times

4. Unique Selling Proposition

USP is an edge over your competitors.

Scour internet and research all your competitors.

And answer this question:

What does your offer have that your competitors don’t?

Pricing, customer support, perceived value, quality, or first mover.

5. Big Promise

Once you’ve identified the big problem.

Big promise is your solution to the big problem.

If a big problem is not being able to lose the last 10lbs.

Your big promise should offer the prospect to lose the last 10lbs.

And don’t overkill your offer by including too many promises.

You’re just trying to amp up the perceived value of the offer with small promises.

Counter Productive.

6. Unique Mechanism

What’s a unique mechanism?

A unique method, system, or process that takes prospect from the land of pain and misery to his dreamland.

It’s the “how” behind your promise.

7. Proof

Testimonials, reviews, and results generated.

Aka showing YOUR method works.

And why do you need proof?

To earn their trust,

TO make marketing believable.

Wanna see the process in action?

Here’s how I use these 7 elements.

A little background info:

Niche: Course creators

a) Big Problem: Not being able to sell courses despite having a huge following.

Reason: Trust

Someone would exchange their hard earned money for your product.

If they trust you.

If you’ve a connect with them.

b) Big Idea

How to WIN your prospects’ trust and build a personal 1 on 1 connection with a SIMPLE perpetual trust machine (turn it on once and reap the benefits for life).

The big idea: turn it on once and reap the benefits for life.

c) Offer

I send the prospects a miro board link and a loom video explaining the nuts and bolts of the perpetual trust machine.

After watching the loom explanation and the machine working.

They could either build the machine themselves or…

Can hire me to build it for em.

d) USP

The perpetual trust machine is something unique (never heard of).

And effective.

e) Big Promise

WIN your prospects’ trust and build a personal 1 on 1 connection in 90 days and sell your courses like hotcakes.

f) Unique Mechanism

Gave my method a name perpetual trust machine.

Which describes its qualities and process of what you could expect from it.

g) Proof

I’ve loads of testimonials and result screenshots.


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