The 3-Key elements you can't afford to miss in your Personal Brand Building strategy

You can't afford to miss these 3 key elements if you want to build a successful personal brand

No matter whichever platform you're trying to build your audience on - you should not forget the 3 critical elements of brand building.

Howdy, folks!

So, if you're really bullish about building a personal brand.

This post is gonna be a great help for you.

But first, a little background about me. I won't say I'm a mega superstar or I have yet to achieve the influencer status.

But I started writing consistently on LinkedIn from this March.

And I've built an audience or following of close to about 700 followers almost from scratch.

I know that's not a big number, but I'd say gaining your first 500 followers is the biggest battle that you have to fight.

So, I genuinely wanted to share my personal brand building strategy for you.

But before we get started with it.

I'd like to discuss a few key benefits of building a personal brand that I've experienced and a few eye opening revelations.

Brand building is not just about pushing content.

You could create content day in and out to hack the algorithm, or hack the growth.

But these superfluous method is not a sustainable way to build a personal brand.

People would sense your ill-motives.

In reality, building a personal brand is to have a connection with your audience.

You need to connect with your audience on an emotional level.

And why am I stressing so much on this point?

Because if you really wanna build a successful personal brand, it should be done in a way that is fun and sustainable.

Otherwise, you'd end up burned out and frustrated.

So, I'd suggest be really clear with 'WHY' you wanna build a personal brand.

And refrain from using unethical growth hacks.

Building a personal brand with a genuine intent has enormous benefits.

I'd list a few that I've personally experienced.

Inbound leads and opportunities.

Since I've started building a personal brand, a few of the people have presented a few splendid opportunities.

People love to connect with me after they've seen my hustle and grind.

Because it really resonates with their journey.

Online visibility increases, and this really boosts your credibility. For instance, if you're applying for a job, or trying to close a client. And when someone sees your content and personal brand. It likely increases the odds of you closing that deal.

The biggest advantage of building a personal brand is networking.

You build strong relationships with people in a variety of different industries.

And you learn a lot from your network.

Personal brand is a great way to showcase (or sometimes flaunt) your skill sets.

It also allows you to learn unique skills.

Like I was never been into graphic designing, but now I know how to create a basic design with Canva.

And hundreds of other benefits which, if I go on writing, would take a few months for me to complete this article.

Have I completely bamboozled you in starting a personal brand?

Nah, my intentions were to gaslight you and motivate you to start your own personal brand.


Here are the 3-key elements you must have to build your personal brand:

1) Authentic Brand positioning

You should be clear about the audience that you want to attract.

Align your content with what your followers want to see.

2) Unique value proposition

You should have something different to have an edge over millions of others who are fighting for the same set of audience.

Having a unique value proposition really helps you build your following fast.

It might sound cliched, but every person's experiences, skill sets differ and that could be your USP.

3) Consistent

Consistency is the biggest and the most important factor which would improve the odds of your success.

Being consistent is the single most important factor that would define your success.

People get excited about building a personal brand, but get discouraged when they don't see progress. And the ones who push themselves to post consistently are the ones who get successful in the game of personal branding.

Let me give you a mantra to keep your motivation alive.

"Don't ever chase those vanity metrics"

Repeat after me!

"I'd never get intimidated by the number of likes, shares, comments. I'd keep my head down and would keep consistently working on building my personal brand."

The biggest reason why people lose motivation.

Because they keep on chasing those vanity metrics.

And when they don't see the immediate results of their efforts, they get demotivated and self-sabotages their success.

So, my advice would be if you're starting a personal brand just for the sake of likes, comments, and the number of followers. This game isn't meant for you, bro. I'd suggest you to not ever start a personal brand.

But if you're clear with the purpose and mission of your personal brand.

You're going to succeed.

And you don't have to have some out of the box purpose like transforming millions of lives.

It could be as simple as improving your skills.

(And tbh, that's my motivation to keep consistently posting content)


Have a great day!


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