1️⃣1️⃣ Psychology Rules to become a better marketer

Inspired by Vice Chairman of Ogilvy and Mather

11 Psychology Rules to become a better marketer

Inspired by Vice Chairman of Ogilvy and Mather, Rory Sutherland.

Rory is a genius.

He blends marketing and behavioral economics.

Here’s the essence of his 11 Rules of Alchemy:

1. The opposite of a good idea can also be a good idea

Rational mind thinks there’s only a single right answer.

For example, how can you improve your sales copy?

Make it much longer; that way it’s reassuringly detailed. Or Make it much shorter; that way, its brevity proves it’s a no-brainer.

2) Don’t design for average

You are more likely to come up with a good idea focusing on one outlier than on ten average users.

The things adopted by extremes would eventually make its way to the general population.

3) It doesn’t pay to be logical when everybody else is being logical

In business, logic will probably lead you to the same place as everybody else.

What you have to do is find out what your competitors are logically wrong about and exploit it.

4) The nature of our attention affects the nature of our experience

This one is simple.

Imagine, you went to an adventure park with an expectation that you’re gonna see world’s fastest ride.

And your experience turns out to be the opposite.

5) A flower is a weed with an advertising budget

we’ve completely lost sight of why a lot of advertising works, which is that it’s costly to generate and deliver.

6) The problem with logic is that it kills off magic

Logic would say if you want to improve a hotel you have to objectively make the hotel better, you can’t just change people’s perception of the hotel.

Context is a marketing super weapon, and it works because it works magically.

7) A good guess which stands up to empirical observation is still science ... but so is a lucky accident

A lot of scientific discoveries have been happy accidents and justified afterwards with the scientific process.

8) Test counterintuitive things, because nobody else will

To stay hungry and stay foolish, this is a distinguishable feature of successful entrepreneurs who, since don’t have to defend their reasoning behind every decision.

9)‍ Solving problems using only rationality is like playing golf with only one club

10) Dare to be trivial

11) If there were already a logical answer, we would have already found it

Bonus: Dare to look stupid

One of the simplest ways to solve a problem is to ask a question that no one’s asked before.

Why has a question not been asked before?

It could be that no one’s been stupid enough to ask it. Rory once asked a rail company, “Why don’t people like standing up on trains”.

No one had an answer.

PS Have you had a chance to look at my email marketing playbook?

If not, here’s the link:

Btw, if you have had a chance to look at the playbook would you like to share some feedback or testimonial for a surprising *BONUS*

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