11 Negotiation Principles✌️

🏆Win every negotiation in 2024 with these principles

Most people SUCK at selling.

Don’t do sales.

Because you’d never need it.

The worst advice ever.

Everything is sales or negotiation.

Don’t believe?

Think of these:

→ Salary Hike

→ Want to go on a trip with friends

→ Buying

→ Business Deals

→ Job interviews

→ Day-to-day interactions

Everything is a negotiation.

Here are 11 negotiation principles:

1. Make me an offer

Let the other side make an offer first.

It gives you a leg up.

And prompts the other party to make a credible offer.

2. Show ‘em some pain

Whenever someone makes the offer to you.

Your first reaction should be some kind of verbal wince.

It’d right off the bat help you set the right environment.

And know how badly the other person wants to do business with you.

3. Talk little, listen much

4. Non-needy mindset

No blubbering or begging.

Don’t have a prejudice if they’ll say a YES or NO.

It hampers the confidence and reflects in your tone.

5. Never be afraid to walk away

It can make people who would normally not buy change their minds.

6. Pressure

When you pursue, the prey runs away.

Pressure is usually a sign someone is insecure.

Never use pressure sales tactics.

7. No

Give people the right to say no.

It releases all the pressure.

And sets the right environment for a negotiation.

8. Know all the tricks

I’m against using the tricks.

Yet, I’d suggest that you learn all tricks and tactics.

If you don’t know them...

You may be susceptible to falling for those tricks!

9. Let them sell themselves on buying

Ask questions which let them open up.

Once you’ve built rapport.

They’d be doing all the heavy lifting themselves.

Just find out what someone wants before trying to persuade them

10. Tell ‘em straight up

Your price or your product is expensive.

Usually, what will happen is one (or both) of two things:

(1) You will have more credibility in their eyes (you’re being 100% honest with them, after all) and…

(2) You create a kind of irresistible curiosity that is extremely hard to ignore.

11. Is this the best you can do?

When they make their offer, you say (without any emotion)…

Is that the best you can do?

Think about what that does.

You are not manipulating them.

You are not trying to pull a “fast one” on them.

And you are not pressuring them or insulting them.

You are simply asking them (without saying it), “I know you can do better, are you going to be honest about it?”


Have a great day!

PS: I’ve been working on an email marketing playbook. Let me know what topics you would like me to include in the playbook and what would you be willing to pay for a playbook which takes you from zero to hero in email marketing. Just reply to the email and let me know your thoughts (YOU might get a free copy of the playbook)

That’s it.

This is gonna be my last email of the 2023.

See you in 2024.


Wish you a great new year.

PPS: Drink responsibly my bois.

Here’s a resource I wanted to share with you…


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